Life is far from perfect.
But, I'm committed to making it better through
improved Interfaces and Experiences for users. Here's my vision of a perfect world.
YouTube Mobile App Mock-up
Pain Point: the inability of the YouTube app to have background running capabilities which allows it to continue playing videos.
Idea: the ability to have functionality of the YouTube app while using other applications.
Objectives: create UI designs centered around allowing the user to have access to vital youtube app functions while using other applications or accessing their mobile device's home view or locking their phone's view.
Click here to access the interactive prototype.
YouTube Mobile App Wireframes
These designs anticipate the use of an iOS mobile phone to deliver favourable UI designs of the YouTube mobile application created from user requirements gathering. Why iOS? Well, in a perfect world Google and Apple would harmoniously work together.
These wireframes show all components of the views and their layout before the visual design and content is included. These were created using Mock-flow but, were further used to show the basic journey of a user completing three tasks using the application:
Using YouTube while viewing the Home View menu
Using YouTube while viewing the notification center
Using YouTube while setting an alarm